Trouble-free cooling


Hygroscopic bulk solids must be sufficiently cooled after processing to prevent moisture accumulation during packaging, storage and transport. Solex Thermal Science offers a globally proven heat exchange solution that is capable of cooling bulk solids from 2,000°C indirectly by conduction, consuming up to 90% less energy and avoiding condensation that can lead to caking.

Cooling is achieved by conduction as a heat exchange fluid such as water or glycol flows through the stainless-steel pillow plates. A mass flow discharge device controls the rate of flow through the unit and ensures a first-in, first-out sequence. As gravity is the mechanism that slowly moves the bed of material, the end result is a product with a stable and uniform final temperature. Complex thermal modeling calculations guarantee precise discharge temperature control and further ensures the product temperature is optimal.

This indirect cooling of bulk solids is up to 90% more energy-efficient than direct air cooling.

A better product

Solex heat exchangers are engineered to handle substantial thermal stresses without cracking or damage, while offering guaranteed thermal performance for a superior end product. Because the heat exchange medium flows counter-currently inside the plates, it never touches the product and thereby avoids caking, bacterial or odour contamination as well as emissions, dust and fines.

Improved efficiency

By relying on conduction instead of convection (e.g. air cooling) to cool bulk solids, Solex technology eliminates the use of high-energy consumption chillers, fans and other components, and thereby reduces energy consumption by up to 90% when compared with conventional fluid beds and rotary drums. For example, a traditional fluid bed cooler uses between four to 5 kW.h/tonne, while the Solex heat exchanger uses 0.4 kW.h/tonne.

For more benefits, please visit the Bulk by Solex product page.